January 4, 2021
A Story About My Wedding Dress

This is a very short story about my wedding dress. Nineteen years ago today, I wore a simple sparkling crown and an ivory off-the-shoulder gown. As my ballet slippered feet walked up the aisle, I had absolutely no jitters or what-ifs. Even at age 19, I knew - confidently knew - that this boy was […]

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October 18, 2020
Dear K, 14 Years Old

Dear K, If anyone asks me what it is like to have a teenager, I know exactly what to say. My complete and honest answer is this: It's one of the greatest blessings in my life. As each year goes by, I am amazed by your beauty, strength, and goodness. Because you are such an […]

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August 30, 2020
Dear H, 4 Years Old

Dear H, The nursery rhyme is wrong. Boys are made up of "everything nice" too. Sure, they love frogs and snails and puppy dog tails as much as little girls, but they are also sweet beyond measure. If we hadn't had you, I wouldn't have known that three-year-old boys are pure delight. Joy in fullness. […]

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April 18, 2020
Dear A, 8 Years Old

Dear A, Teachers and other adults typically comment on three things when they describe you. First, people say that you are "super sweet," "kind," and "caring." I concur. These attributes are evident in the ways that you treat others. You are selfless, choosing quietly to let others go first or to select the biggest scoop […]

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March 24, 2020
Dear O, 11 Years Old

Dear O, You are the the Jo March of our family. A writer. An actress. A performer. A poet. You love fiercely and truly. You speak clearly and influentially. You even have pencil marks on your hand from so much writing. (And, yes, you have the fiery temper to match too). When you take any […]

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October 23, 2019
Dear K, 13 Years Old

Dear K, When you were five years old, Tim and I used to remark to each other that you were an adult in a child's body. You had a serious and perceptive way of viewing the world that didn't quite fit your small frame. Now that you are thirteen, you remain the same - responsible, […]

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